
Welcome to Birthright

At Birthright, we understand the challenges related to unplanned pregnancies. Birthright is available to women for as long as they need us. We offer love, friendship, and support to women who are pregnant or think they may be pregnant.  Birthright is interdenominational and is not involved in any political activities, or lobbying. Birthright’s focus is on loving the mother, reminding her that there is hope and ensuring she is not alone.

Get involved

Birthright relies on the dedication, time and talents of volunteers. We welcome any and all individuals who share our philosophy and commitment to offer loving, confidential, nonjudgmental support to those who are pregnant or think they may be pregnant. There are many volunteer opportunities available and we would gladly discuss our volunteer program with you. Full training and mentorship is provided for our volunteers so you can best help the women who need you. We still have more volunteer openings so please give the office a call at 603-434-3000 to apply, the preborn of Southern New Hampshire are counting on you to be their voice.

Contact Us

    Hours Of Operation

    We have scheduled office hours but we can meet with you at other times, please call the office to make an appointment 603-434-3000. There is hope, we can help.

    Find Us

    Chapter Announcements

    Please stop by our Pregnancy Care Center or call us to discuss Formula Needs, Pregnancy Tests, Pregnancy Stages, Pregnancy Symptoms, Pregnancy Calendar, Pregnancy Tips, Pregnancy Trimesters, Pregnancy Week by Week, Parenthood Planning, Abortion Alternatives and the dangers of the Abortion Pill.  We will help you make a plan that will be the best for you and your baby.     Birthright of Southern NH is listed by the IRS as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit. Tax exempt # 22-2757349 Servicing Derry, Londonderry, Nashua, Salem, Windham, Hudson, Litchfield, Chester and other Southern NH towns ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     From the Director’s Desk

    Spring is Here! Flowers are blooming with new life and Hope is in the air. We have entered the season of first fruits and our team at Birthright has had the blessing of once again being able to be His hands and feet for all that He sends us. We are so humbled to share a story that one of our clients sent us to share with all of you:      “These were the two mighty things that I was in dyer need of.  Yet, lacked deeply.  Two powerful pillars that we all need and when it’s not there, so many thoughts can set in.  So much confusion can come forth.  I was just heading into my thirteenth week of my first pregnancy and just FLOODED with so many emotions.  As a woman who LOVES the Lord with my entire being and strength, I couldn’t believe I had even questioned not going forth with God’s allowance and creation.  I just KNEW deep within my spirit and soul that it was not the way to go, I just simply lacked the proper SUPPORT ... I was lacking HOPE and I just needed a GOOD GOD VOICE and reminder of WHO’S I am and WHO this baby belonged to.  I remember the night that I knew I had to FIGHT and advocate for myself and this forthcoming miracle — February 21st.  Two days later, little did I know, God would OUTPOUR EVERY BIT of support that I lacked and any and all hope that was lost, he RESTORED walking into the Birthright office and talking with the volunteer.  The amount of SUPPORT and HOPE in that one conversation and in just the last month will last an eternity, truly.  Words can’t express the amount of gratitude that has been filling me up but, what I can say is... Birthright and the Birth Place were my baby’s LIFE SAVING encounter and my own personal redemption in the season of my life.  NEVER let go of your FAITH.  Never stop advocating for yourself and NEVER NEGLECT to listen to that deep inner knowing (your spirit, the Holy Spirit) of what is the right way to go.  ALWAYS choose life. And when it leads to LIFE, IT’S ALWAYS the right way to go.  The pieces to your story will ALWAYS fall into place when you trust that way.  You are so loved, your baby is SO dearly loved and YOU WILL have peace, support, hope and comfort as you choose to CHOOSE life.  I love you!”        The essence of Birthright is love, and love is action. This is just one of our relationships that have been impacted by our Birthright volunteers. We are able to do what we do because of the contributions you all donate for the mothers and their children. There is no I in TEAM! As always I want to express our deep gratitude of how thankful we are to all of “YOU" who are a dedicated part of the” We" who are faithful to keep us in your prayers, give of your time and your tangible donations. Us working together “in Him" makes all this possible.   In His service for life, Kelli Smith    

     What's Happening

    -Many thanks to the parishioners of St. Thomas’s and St. Anne’s for their generous Christmas donations of baby clothes, diapers, wipes, gift cards and other baby essential items. Our mothers were overjoyed by the outpouring of love and support during these financially difficult times.
    -After months of designing, revising and approvals, our new sign is finally hanging in our front window, and our mission is now very clear to everyone passing by.  Special thanks to Imageability in Londonderry for printing the image and donating the materials needed, it looks amazing!
    -Welcome to Alice and Eileen T, our newest office volunteers, we are so excited they said “YES” to the call for helping life grow in New Hampshire.  Thinking about volunteering? Give the office a call at 603-434-3000.
    -What an amazing year 2023 was!  We helped 42 clients troubled by an unplanned pregnancy and provided mother and baby essentials to 90 women.  From Derry to Manchester to Nashua, Massachusetts, Danville and Hooksett, we provided the services needed all because of donations and prayers from our generous supporters.  Our individual contributors were extremely generous again this year, and together with donations from other sources, we were once again able to fund all of our services.  With the great success we have seen with our Google advertising, we have increased our budget to ensure the Birthright ads continue to show to women in need of hope.  Our Google search ads were seen by 62,800 people and our display ads were seen by over a million people; all of them now realizing that they can Find Hope at Birthright.