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Birthright Support

Contacting Birthright support via live chat is a simple and convenient way to get assistance with any inquiries or concerns related to the organization’s services.

Chapter Admin

Contacting a Birthright chapter admin for inquiries about the nearest or most convenient chapter is quick and straightforward.


Welcome to our Support Center’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section! Here, we aim to provide clarity and assistance by addressing common inquiries about our organization, programs, and services. Whether you’re curious about eligibility criteria, program details, or ways to get involved, you’ll find comprehensive answers to your questions here. Our goal is to empower and support you through accessible information, ensuring that you have the resources you need to navigate your journey with confidence.

Search Chapter

Navigate through our Support Center’s wealth of resources effortlessly using our Search Chapter feature. Designed to streamline your search experience, this tool allows you to quickly find specific topics, articles, and support materials tailored to your needs. Whether you’re seeking guidance on parenting, searching for local resources, or exploring educational content, our Search Chapter functionality ensures that you can access the information you need, precisely when you need it.

About Us

Discover the heart and mission of Birthright International in our About Us section. Learn about our organization’s rich history, founding principles, and unwavering commitment to supporting pregnant women in need. Explore the compassionate individuals and dedicated volunteers who form the backbone of our organization, as well as our values of respect, empowerment, and confidentiality. From our humble beginnings to our global reach, delve into the story behind Birthright International and our ongoing mission to provide love, support, and hope to those facing unplanned pregnancies.


Explore the range of compassionate services offered by Birthright International to support pregnant women in need. From confidential counseling and emotional support to practical assistance with pregnancy-related needs, our comprehensive services are tailored to empower women to make informed choices and navigate their pregnancies with dignity and respect. Whether you’re seeking guidance, resources, or a listening ear, our dedicated volunteers are here to provide unconditional support and companionship every step of the way. Discover how Birthright International can be a beacon of hope and assistance during your pregnancy journey.

I am looking to adopt, can you connect me with a birth mother?

Due to the confidential nature of our work, Birthright is unable to connect prospective parents with our moms and/or babies.

How do I get involved?

Birthright welcome volunteers in all capacities. The local Birthright would be happy to discuss their volunteer program and needs.

Can I talk to someone now?

Birthright is here to support you. We can connect you with the nearest Birthright and work on getting you in touch with a local volunteer asap.

Frequently Asked


Curious to know what happens the moment you contact Birthright? Feeling anxious about making contact is normal. We are here for you anytime, and hope this video will help ease any hesitations that you may have.


Now you’re pregnant and you’re not sure what to do. Emotions may be overwhelming and the circumstances may feel impossible. Birthright wants you to know that you are not alone. There is hope for you and your baby. We are here to help and only a phone call away 24/7.